
ITS Team Sapuangin Participate in IPA Convention & Exhibition 2024

IPA Convex is a place where more than a hundred companies gather to support the future of the upstream oil and gas industry. The purpose was to explore market trends, seek
solutions, and engage in business activities across the entire energy industry value chain.

In 2023 IPA Convex succeeded in drawing the participation of over 21,000 energy experts from 22 countries. These are 3 special programs in IPA Convex last year:
1. Energy Cultural Night
2. Youth @ IPA Convex
3. Low Carbon Zone

in 2023, ITS Team Sapuangin seized the opportunity to display and demonstrate its efficiency and sustainability in Youth @ IPA Convex 2023

Our presence at IPA Convex not only allowed us to showcase our achievements but also provided an opportunity for networking and collaboration with other industry leaders and researchers.

After the success of our debut at IPA Convex 2023, ITS Team Sapuangin is thrilled to announce that we will once again be displaying our groundbreaking research car at this year's event. 

Join us at IPA Convex 2024 at ICE BSD City 14-16 May 2024

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